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Consulta las 58 revistas en texto completo que te ofrece Flipsters Magazines

Flipster es un quiosco digital que ofrece contenido en texto completo por medio de cualquier dispositivos. Proporciona acceso a las mejores revistas combinado con una interfaz fácil de usar, Flipster ofrece a los usuarios una experiencia de lectura única que se puede disfrutar en cualquier momento y en cualquier lugar. La Universidad tiene suscripción a 58 títulos de diferentes temáticas con un archivo de 5 años.

  • 1. American Cinematographer
    Feb 2022. Publisher: ASC Holding Corporation. ISSN/eISSN: 0002-7928; 2573-5004. Categories: Entertainment
    Description: Movie buffs and serious students of filmmaking will want to purchase American Cinematographer, known throughout the entertainment industry as "the filmmaker's bible." Each monthly issue brings an international audience behind the scenes and onto the sets of the world's most interesting and acclaimed movies, television shows, music videos, commercials and short films. American Cinematographer offers fascinating, in-depth interviews with top Hollywood, independent and foreign filmmakers and their collaborators, who share detailed analyses of their production methods and creative philosophies. Students will appreciate the abundance of technical information and "how to" wisdom each issue provides, while entertainment buffs can find fresh insights about their favorite movies, television series and other projects. The American Society of Cinematographers, an invitation-only organization comprising the world's top directors of photography, has been publishing American Cinematographer since 1919, making it the world's most venerable and respected journal on motion-imaging techniques. The magazine's audience not only includes cinematographers, but directors, production designers, editors, visual-effects experts and anyone else involved in the creation of compelling onscreen images. The information offered in each issue is so valuable that some of today's most renowned filmmakers have praised AC as one the industry's most influential magazines. Academy Award-winning director Martin Scorsese (The Departed, GoodFellas, Raging Bull) has said, "American Cinematographer is a beacon that has illuminated the field of cinematography and the motion picture industry for years, and I've been reading it since I was a film student. AC is the definitive publication for cinematographers, and is therefore very important within the industry. It's where you go for unbiased, honest, objective information about filmmaking - where you go for the real story." Leer este fascículo
  • 2. Washington Monthly
    Jan-Mar 2022. Publisher: Washington Monthly. ISSN/eISSN: 0043-0633. Categories: News & Politics
    Description: One of America's most respected magazines on politics and government, the Washington Monthly has taken on sacred cows - liberal and conservative - for nearly half a century. This independently-published, nonprofit magazine features some of the brightest writers and commentators in the business, including James Fallows, Nicholas Lemann, Jonathan Alter, Suzannah Lessaul, Michael Kinsley, Jeff Greenfield, Paul Begala, and Joseph Epstein. And it does it all with style and wit. Washington Monthly doesn't waste readers' time reporting on the latest press conference, but instead looks behind the scenes, and over the horizon, for the hidden schemes, emerging trends, and potential solutions that aren't yet in the news, but ought to be.Leer este fascículo
  • 3. World Literature Today
    Jan/Feb 2022. Publisher: World Literature Today. ISSN/eISSN: 0196-3570; 1945-8134. Categories: Literary
    Description: A bimonthly magazine of International Literature and Culture. Published at the University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma, USA. Founded in 1927.Leer este fascículo
  • 4. Opera Canada
    Winter 2021. Publisher: Opera Canada. ISSN/eISSN: 0030-3577. Categories: Entertainment
    Description: Opera Canada magazine has been connecting the vibrant world of opera in Canada since 1960 with high quality professional arts journalism, in-depth interviews with its creators, artists and decision-makers as well as beautifully-illustrated features and reviews about productions from across the nation and internationally.Leer este fascículo
  • 5. TIME
    Feb 14, 2022. Publisher: TIME USA, LLC. ISSN/eISSN: 0040-781X. Categories: News & Politics
    Description: TIME's signature voice and trusted content make it one of the most recognized news brands in the world. Offering incisive reporting, lively writing and world-renowned photography, TIME has been credited with bringing journalism at its best into the fabric of American life. Every issue delivers a deeper understanding of the world we live in.Leer este fascículo
  • 6. School Library Journal
    Feb 2022. Publisher: Media Source, Inc. ISSN/eISSN: 0362-8930. Categories: Academic; Literary
    Description: School Library Journal aspires to be an accelerator for innovation in schools and public libraries that serve the information, literacy, and technology needs of 21st century children and young adults. SLJ produces resources, services, and reviews that make library and education professionals savvier, and communities stronger.Leer este fascículo
  • 7. Science News
    Feb 12, 2022. Publisher: Society for Science & the Public. ISSN/eISSN: 0036-8423; 1943-0930. Categories: Science & Technology
    Description: Bi-weekly news magazine of science published in the United States.Leer este fascículo
  • 8. National Review
    Feb 21, 2022. Publisher: National Review Inc. ISSN/eISSN: 0028-0038. Categories: News & Politics
    Description: America's leading conservative voice for news and opinion, offers multi-platform solutions to deliver advertising and events to an influential, and highly educated audience of government insiders, corporate leaders, financial sector gurus, and engaged individuals across the country.Leer este fascículo
  • 9. The New York Review of Books
    Feb 24, 2022. Publisher: New York Review of Books, Inc. ISSN/eISSN: 0028-7504; 1944-7744. Categories: Literary
    Description: For over 50 years, The New York Review of Books has been the place where the world's leading authors, scientists, educators, artists, and political leaders turn when they wish to engage in a spirited debate on literature, politics, art, and ideas with a small but influential audience that welcomes the challenge. Each issue addresses some of the most passionate political and cultural controversies of the day, and reviews the most engrossing new books and the ideas that illuminate them. Leer este fascículo
  • 10. Newsweek Mexico
    dec2021. Publisher: News for America LLC. Categories: News & Politics; Spanish Leer este fascículo
  • 11. Library Journal
    Feb 2022. Publisher: Media Source, Inc. ISSN/eISSN: 0363-0277. Categories: Academic; Literary
    Description: Library Journal is the most trusted and respected publication for the library community. Built on more than a century of quality journalism and reviews, LJ provides groundbreaking features and analytical news reports covering technology, management, policy and other professional concerns to public, academic and institutional libraries. Our hefty reviews sections evaluate 8000+ reviews annually of books, ebooks, audiobooks, videos/DVDs, databases, systems and websites. Our team of library and literary experts communicate with our audience through print, digital and live content and continuously strive to stay on the cutting edge of the ever-evolving world of libraries.Leer este fascículo
  • 12. El Malpensante
    Dec 2021. Publisher: Editorial El Malpensante. ISSN/eISSN: 0122-9273. Categories: Literary; Spanish
    Description: Desde su fundacion en 1996, El Malpensante se ha convertido en unos de los principales referentes culturales de Colombia. Literatura, cine, música, arte, arquitectura, diseño, política. La amplia variedad de lecturas paradójicas contenidas en sus paginas han redefinido para toda una generación de lectores lo que significa "ser malpensante" : una marca de placer literario; una ventana para acceder a miradas particulares y profundas de la cultura; una firma innovadora, una garantia de calidad y credibilidad. Leer este fascículo
  • 13. Humanist
    Winter 2022. Publisher: American Humanist Association. ISSN/eISSN: 0018-7399; 2163-3576. Categories: Religion
    Description: A magazine of critical inquiry and social concern.Leer este fascículo
  • 14. National Geographic Espana
    feb2022. Publisher: RBA Revistas S.L. ISSN/eISSN: 1138-1434; 2604-6156. Categories: News & Politics; Spanish
    Description: La revista de referencia en divulgacion cientifica, exploracion y fotografia. Portavoz de una de las instituciones mas prestigiosas del mundo, la revista del marco amarillo es una ventana abierta al mundo. Gracias al trabajo de los investigadores, fot6grafos, exploradores y aventureros, National Geographic Espana nos invita cada mes a conocer nuestro planeta y todo lo que hay en el, y a descifrar las claves para preservar nuestro valioso patrimonio natural y cultural para las generaciones futuras.Leer este fascículo
  • 15. Cuartoscuro
    dic2021. Publisher: Cuartoscuro, S.A. DE C.V. ISSN/eISSN: 1605-4903. Categories: Art & Design; Spanish
    Description: Cuartoscuro is the most prestigious photography magazine in Mexico. For 15 years, the journal aims to disseminate quality Mexican photography.Leer este fascículo
  • 16. Horticulture
    Jan/Feb 2022. Publisher: Active Interest Media, Inc. ISSN/eISSN: 0018-5329. Categories: Home & Garden
    Description: Gardening articles from Horticulture magazine. Covers floriculture, garden design, flower gardening, hydroponics, vegetable gardening.Leer este fascículo
  • 17. History Revealed
    Feb 2022. Publisher: Immediate Media London Company Limited. ISSN/eISSN: 2054-6149; 2514-3980. Categories: History
    Description: History Revealed brings the past to life for everyone. It's an action-packed, image-rich magazine with zero stuffiness, jam-packed with facts, features and historical fun. If you enjoy finding out how things happened, love a good story, want to revel in stunning images from the past, or lap up trivia and facts, then History Revealed is the magazine for you.Leer este fascículo
  • 18. Sound & Vision
    Feb/Mar 2022. Publisher: AVTech Media Americas, LLC. ISSN/eISSN: 1537-5838. Categories: Science & Technology
    Description: Sound & Vision is the most relevant brand for the home theater enthusiast and the place where technology and entertainment meet.Leer este fascículo
  • 19. Forbes
    Dec 2021/Jan 2022. Publisher: Forbes Inc. ISSN/eISSN: 0015-6914. Categories: Business
    Description: Beyond its famed lists, Forbes has a unique voice in its coverage of global business stories. Whether it's reporting on the "next facebook" or scrutinizing a new tax law, Forbes covers stories with uncanny insight and conciseness that hurried business folks appreciate. Read Forbes today for rigorous, to-the-point business analysis.Leer este fascículo
  • 20. Foreign Policy
    Winter 2022. Publisher: Foreign Policy. ISSN/eISSN: 0015-7228; 1945-2276. Categories: News & Politics
    Description: FOREIGN POLICY is the premier, award-winning magazine of global politics, economics, and ideas. Our mission is to explain how the world works -- in particular, how the process of global integration is reshaping nations, institutions, cultures, and, more fundamentally, our daily lives.Leer este fascículo

  • 21. Fortune
    Feb/Mar 2022. Publisher: Fortune Media (USA) Corporation. ISSN/eISSN: 0015-8259; 2169-155X. Categories: Business
    Description: FORTUNE covers the entire field of business, including specific companies and business trends, tech innovation prominent business leaders, and new ideas shaping the global marketplace. FORTUNE is particularly well known for its exceptionally reliable annual rankings of companies. FORTUNE furthers understanding of the economy, provides implementable business strategy, and gives you the practical knowledge you need to maximize your own success.Leer este fascículo
  • 22. Food & Wine
    Feb 2022. Publisher: Meredith Corporation. ISSN/eISSN: 0741-9015. Categories: Food & Cooking
    Description: FOOD & WINE is for readers who are passionate about food and drinks and looking to be inspired by creative chefs and winemakers. Now FOOD & WINE offers its delicious recipes, simple wine-buying advice, great entertaining ideas and fun trend-spotting in a spectacular digital format.Leer este fascículo
  • 23. Entrepreneur
    Jan/Feb 2022. Publisher:, Inc. ISSN/eISSN: 0163-3341. Categories: Business
    Description: Entrepreneur magazine is the trusted source for growing your business and offers surefire strategies for success. Whether you are thinking of starting a business, have taken the first steps or already own your business, Entrepreneur offers the best advice on every aspect of running your own company.Leer este fascículo
  • 24. Discover
    Jan/Feb 2022. Publisher: Kalmbach Publishing Co. ISSN/eISSN: 0274-7529; 2169-5407. Categories: Science & Technology
    Description: Take an exciting adventure with Discover magazine! Every issue reports captivating developments in science, medicine, technology, and the world around us. Spectacular photography and refreshingly understandable stories on complex subjects connect everyday people with the greatest ideas and minds in science. Discover magazine is science for the curious!Leer este fascículo
  • 25. Computers in Libraries
    Jan/Feb 2022. Publisher: Information Today Inc. ISSN/eISSN: 1041-7915. Categories: Science & Technology
    Description: Computers in Libraries (CIL) is a monthly magazine that serves as a showcase and forum for library tech professionals to share their success stories. The magazines focus is on practical applications of technology in public, academic, corporate, and special libraries. CIL is the librarians only independent, peer-to-peer resource on library systems. It's all tech, all the time.Leer este fascículo
  • 26. Cineaste
    Winter 2021. Publisher: Cineaste. ISSN/eISSN: 0009-7004; 2641-9238. Categories: Entertainment
    Description: Cineaste, America's leading magazine on the art and politics of the cinema, offers social, political, and aesthetic perspectives on all areas of the cinema, including Hollywood films (old and new), American independent cinema, quality European films, and the cinema of developing nations. Featuring critical articles, film and book reviews, interviews, and editorial columns, Cineaste seeks to engage an intelligent audience while remaining readable for all.Leer este fascículo
  • 27. Choice
    Feb-Feb 2022. Publisher: Australian Consumers' Association. ISSN/eISSN: 0009-496X. Categories: Consumer
    Description: Buy with confidence every time! CHOICE Magazine has been helping consumers make better purchasing decisions since it was established in 1959. At CHOICE we pride ourselves on delivering expert, unbiased information you can trust. As a completely self-funded and 100% independent body, we rely on membership subscriptions to enable us to act in a truly credible manner. A CHOICE membership gives you access to a whole range of products and services including: o Feature articles and product reviews in our magazine and website o Recommendations on Best Buys and Green Buys o Health tips (beauty and personal care, diet & exercise, food labeling and advertising and more) o Money matters (including advice on banking, insurance, borrowing, investing, tax tips) Leer este fascículo
  • 28. Track & Field News
    Feb 2022. Publisher: Track & Field News, Inc. ISSN/eISSN: 0041-0284. Categories: Sports
    Description: Track & Field News covers all major meets from the Drake and Penn Relays to the Olympics and World Championships, athlete profiles and interviews, NCAA and USATF previews, world rankings, yearly lists and much more.Leer este fascículo
  • 29. Bloomberg Businessweek
    Feb 7, 2022. Publisher: Bloomberg, L.P. ISSN/eISSN: 0007-7135; 2162-657X. Categories: Business; News & Politics
    Description: Bloomberg Businessweek delivers the business information you need: surprising and timely perspectives on the most important issues of today and unique stories you won't find anywhere else. With Bloomberg Businessweek you'll have the insights you need to take advantage of the new reality and thrive in today's complex global economy.Leer este fascículo
  • 30. Frame
    Jan/Feb 2022. Publisher: Frame Publishers. ISSN/eISSN: 1388-4239. Categories: Art & Design
    Description: Loaded with nothing but the best in contemporary interior and product design , Frame is an inspiring and indispensable reference for design professionals. The most interesting work from around the globe is packaged in six tactile issues a year.Leer este fascículo
  • 31. Architectural Record
    Feb 2022. Publisher: BNP Media. ISSN/eISSN: 0003-858X. Categories: Art & Design Leer este fascículo
  • 32. ARTnews
    Dec 2021/Jan 2022. Publisher: Penske Business Media, LLC. ISSN/eISSN: 0004-3273. Categories: Art & Design
    Description: ARTnews reports on the art, personalities, issues, trends and events shaping the international art world. Written in clear, well-crafted language that is as comprehensible to the novice as it is to the expert, the magazine offers a lively, provocative, and visually stimulating package that informs as well as entertains with news dispatches from a worldwide network of correspondents, hard-hitting investigative reports, criticism and opinion.Leer este fascículo
  • 33. Aperture
    Winter 2021. Publisher: Aperture Foundation. ISSN/eISSN: 0003-6420. Categories: Art & Design
    Description: Founded in 1952, Aperture is an essential guide to the world of contemporary photography that combines the finest writing with inspiring photographic portfolios. Each issue examines one theme explored in two distinct sections: Words, focused on the best writing surrounding contemporary photography, and Pictures, featuring immersive portfolios and artist projects.Leer este fascículo
  • 34. Art in America
    2022. Publisher: Penske Business Media, LLC. ISSN/eISSN: 0004-3214. Categories: Art & Design
    Description: Each month, Art in America, the world's premier art magazine, delivers in-depth coverage of the global contemporary art scene, both in print and online. Published 11 times per year, every issue contains profiles on respected and rising talents, critical essays and reviews of current exhibitions around the world, written by today's leading artists, curators and historians. Serving as an indispensable record of the art world since its inception in 1913, Art in America is widely read by dealers, collectors, and art experts-as well as nonprofessionals. Subscriptions to the magazine also include the Annual Guide, the art world's most comprehensive sourcebook to museums, galleries and artists, published in August. Leer este fascículo
  • 35. Artforum International
    Feb 2022. Publisher: Artforum International Corporation. ISSN/eISSN: 1086-7058. Categories: Art & Design
    Description: Since 1962, Artforum has been the defining voice in contemporary art. Artforum's specially commissioned artist projects, reviews, and essays on film, music, architecture, media, and more lend a unique perspective to the fine arts and to popular culture at large.Leer este fascículo
  • 36. Azure
    Jan/Feb 2022. Publisher: Azure Publishing Inc. ISSN/eISSN: 0829-982X. Categories: Art & Design
    Description: AZURE is an award-winning magazine dedicated to contemporary architecture and design. Each issue delivers: The latest in groundbreaking architecture, commercial interiors and residential projects. Curated selections of the most innovative product designs and building materials. Influential trends that are driving the industry forward. Leer este fascículo
  • 37. Apollo: The International Magazine for Collectors
    Feb 2022. Publisher: Apollo Magazine Ltd. ISSN/eISSN: 0003-6536; 2059-5247. Categories: Hobbies, Interests & DIY
    Description: Founded in 1925 and published monthly, Apollo is one of the world's oldest and most respected magazines on the visual arts. It covers everything from antiquities to contemporary work, as well as providing in-depth discussion of the latest art news and debates; exclusive interviews with the world's greatest collectors and artists; expert information on the market, authoritative guidance on collecting, and reviews and previews of exhibitions worldwide.Leer este fascículo
  • 38. Foreign Affairs Latinoamérica
    jan-mar2022. Publisher: Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico / Foreign Affairs Latinoamerica. ISSN/eISSN: 1665-1707. Categories: News & Politics; Spanish
    Description: La revista Foreign Affairs Latinoamérica es el resultado del esfuerzo conjunto del Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) y el Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM). Desde su nacimiento en 2000, se ha caracterizado por ofrecer un espacio abierto para la discusión de temas actuales de carácter internacional, de gran interés para el mundo y, en particular, para América Latina.Leer este fascículo
  • 39. Art Newspaper
    Jan 2022. Publisher: Art Newspaper. ISSN/eISSN: 0960-6556. Categories: Art & Design
    Description: The Art Newspaper is the journal of record for the visual arts world, covering international news and events.Leer este fascículo
  • 40. The American Organist
    Feb 2022. Publisher: American Guild of Organists. ISSN/eISSN: 0164-3150. Categories: Hobbies, Interests & DIY
    Description: The American Organist (TAO), published monthly by the AGO, is the most widely-read journal devoted to organ and choral music in the world. It is the official journal of the American Guild of Organists and the Associated Pipe Organ Builders of America.Leer este fascículo

  • Jan/Feb 2022. Publisher: Atlantic Media Group, LLC. ISSN/eISSN: 1072-7825; 2151-9463. Categories: News & Politics
    Description: Published since 1857, The Atlantic is one of the nation's oldest and most prestigious monthly magazines covering major issues in politics, foreign affairs, the economy and cultural trends.Leer este fascículo
  • 42. 24 Images
    2021. Publisher: Revue 24 Images. ISSN/eISSN: 0707-9389; 1923-5097. Categories: Entertainment; French
    Description: Vingt-quatre images, cent façons d'aborder le cinéma. Des analyses sans complaisance qui permettent d'engager le débat. Des dossiers sur les œuvres, sur les créateurs, sur les courants et les tendances. Une attention particulière accordée au cinéma d'auteur, à la marginalité, à ces productions boudées par les grands réseaux de distribution et qui portent bien souvent la marque du génie, qui l'annoncent ou qui le confirment. Des articles de fond, des critiques, des points de vue.Leer este fascículo
  • 43. Fine Woodworking
    Jan/Feb 2022. Publisher: Taunton Trade Co. ISSN/eISSN: 0361-3453. Categories: Hobbies, Interests & DIY
    Description: For over three decades, Fine Woodworking magazine has been committed to providing the most trusted, in-depth and unbiased expert advice to passionate woodworkers of all skill levels. That's why it's recognized as the valued, go-to resource in workshops - everywhere. With its mix of insightful features, authoritative information, beautiful photographs, step-by-step techniques, detailed drawings and shop-tested, hands-on guidance, Fine Woodworking inspires woodworkers to get into their shop to create lasting pieces of quality craftsmanship. Fine Woodworking is a part of The Taunton Press a privately held multimedia publishing company headquartered in Newtown, Connecticut. To learn more about Fine Woodworking please visit este fascículo
  • 44. Wired
    Feb 2022. Publisher: Conde Nast Publications. ISSN/eISSN: 1059-1028; 1078-3148. Categories: Science & Technology
    Description: WIRED makes sense of a world in constant transformation. We tell an ongoing adventure story-the invention of the future. The WIRED conversation illuminates how technology is changing every aspect of our lives-from culture to business, science to design. The breakthroughs and innovations that we cover lead to new ways of thinking, new connections, and new industries. We introduce you to the people, companies, and ideas that matter. WIRED reaches more than 30 million people each month through, our tablet edition, the magazine, social media, and live events.Leer este fascículo
  • 45. Sky & Telescope
    Apr 2022. Publisher: American Astronomical Society. ISSN/eISSN: 0037-6604. Categories: Hobbies, Interests & DIY
    Description: The essential guide for Astronomy.Leer este fascículo
  • 46. Sight & Sound
    Mar 2022. Publisher: British Film Institute. ISSN/eISSN: 0037-4806; 2515-5164. Categories: Entertainment
    Description: Sight & Sound is 'The International Film Magazine' with a unique perspective on the very best of film culture. Published by the British Film Institute since 1932, Sight & Sound is the magazine for those with a serious passion for film. Covering moving image culture from all corners of the globe in news, features, interviews and reviews of every film released theatrically in the UK (including cast and credit information) written in an insightful and intelligent manner.Leer este fascículo
  • 47. The New Republic
    Mar 2022. Publisher: TNR II, LLC. ISSN/eISSN: 0028-6583; 2169-2416. Categories: News & Politics
    Description: The New Republic magazine features thought-provoking unbiased coverage of politics, culture and the world of ideas.Leer este fascículo
  • 48. Natural History
    Mar 2022. Publisher: Natural History Magazine, Inc. ISSN/eISSN: 0028-0712. Categories: History
    Description: A magazine of nature, science and culture. Since its beginning in 1900 as The American Museum Journal, Natural History is the authoritative voice that curious readers turn to for informed insights and understanding of natural phenomena.Leer este fascículo
  • 49. Consumer Reports
    Mar 2022. Publisher: Consumer Reports, Inc. ISSN/eISSN: 0010-7174. Categories: Consumer
    Description: With Consumer Reports magazine you can find advice on Best Buys, unbiased Ratings on thousands of products, and a wealth of information to help you make the best buying decisions for you and your family.Leer este fascículo
  • 50. Archaeology
    Mar/Apr 2022. Publisher: Archaeological Institute of America. ISSN/eISSN: 0003-8113; 1943-5746. Categories: Science & Technology
    Description: ARCHAEOLOGY magazine offers compelling narratives about the human past from every corner of the globe. Written, edited, and designed for its loyal general interest audience, this popular newsstand and subscription magazine covers exciting developments in the discipline of archaeology via news, features, and photo essays providing an accurate, compelling, and entertaining look at the record of human existence.Leer este fascículo
  • 51. Guitarist
    Mar 2022. Publisher: Future Publishing Ltd. ISSN/eISSN: 0953-7023; 2632-2951. Categories: Hobbies, Interests & DIY
    Description: Guitarist is a beautifully presented journal for anyone who loves making music on six strings. From insightful interviews with legendary players such as Jimmy Page and David Gilmour to authoritative reviews of the best new guitar gear, plus tuition that helps readers play with more creativity, authenticity and flair, you'll find everything to fuel your passion for guitars inside. From Mark Knopfler's studio secrets to technique masterclasses with celebrated players such as James Taylor and Robben Ford, we get closer than anyone else to the world's greatest guitarists, sharing their insights with you in each issue. You'll also find authoritative reviews of the best new guitar gear inside, from custom-shop creations to workhorse instruments that'll help you get maximum twang for your buck. Every issue features 164 pages of detailed studio photography, plus easily accessible in-depth video demonstrations of great new gear with each review. Experience the beauty of guitars as never before with Guitarist magazine.Leer este fascículo
  • 52. Sculpture
    Mar/Apr 2022. Publisher: International Sculpture Center. ISSN/eISSN: 0889-728X. Categories: Art & Design
    Description: Sculpture is the premiere publication in the field of contemporary three-dimensional art. In addition to exceptional editorial coverage of the current events and issues defining contemporary art, Sculpture offers striking pictorial layouts. Every issue brings lively opinions, penetrating interviews, intimate studio visits, and provocative criticism on both emerging and internationally renowned artists.Leer este fascículo
  • 53. Metalsmith
    2021. Publisher: Society of North American Goldsmiths. ISSN/eISSN: 0270-1146. Categories: Hobbies, Interests & DIY
    Description: Metalsmith magazine is published by SNAG. Metalsmith gives you a front row seat on the world of studio art and design in contemporary jewelry and metalsmithing. It's smart, beautiful and provocative, and guaranteed to inspire and invigorate. Coverage spans contemporary makers, artists in their studios, edgy work, production jewelry, fashion, hollowware, furniture, collectors' collections and much more. For over 35 years, Metalsmith has brought you the best in the field.Leer este fascículo
  • 54. Algarabía Mensual
    2021. Publisher: Algarabía. ISSN/eISSN: 2007-1019. Categories: Literary; Spanish Leer este fascículo
  • 55. Education Canada
    Jun 2021. Publisher: Canadian Education Association. ISSN/eISSN: 0013-1253. Categories: Academic
    Description: Canada's preferred education magazine among readers representing the entire spectrum of this sector. We reframe complex education policy and practice debates with powerful new ideas and insights - in both English and French - that get to the heart of how to transform teaching and learning.Leer este fascículo
  • 56. Topos
    2021. Publisher: Georg GmbH & Co. KG. ISSN/eISSN: 0942-752X. Categories: Art & Design
    Description: Topos is the definitive international publication about landscape architecture and urban design in English. It covers a broad range of topics from urban landscapes to rural areas, from infrastructure to gardens. The quarterly issues are a rich source of insight into the creative forces that shape the spaces in which we live. Topos is the must-have for successful landscape architects, planners, urban designers and architects all over the world! Leer este fascículo
  • 57. Ceramics: Art & Perception
    2021. Publisher: Mansfield Ceramics. ISSN/eISSN: 1035-1841. Categories: Art & Design
    Description: Ceramics: Art and Perception sets the standard as a dedicated journal on ceramic art. The articles selected and the reviews solicited are well written on a broad range of international artists and subjects relevant to ceramics. With excellent colour photography, this quarterly journal is of a high quality in content and in presentation. We hold an international and multi-cultural viewpoint. With subjects ranging from the functional to the ephemeral, traditional to the philosophical, the provocative and contemporary to the historical and the critical.Leer este fascículo
  • 58. Exit, Imagen y Cultura
    2020. Publisher: Producciones de Arte y Pensamiento SL. ISSN/eISSN: 1577-2721; 2605-3497. Categories: Art & Design; Spanish
    Description: Founded in 1999, EXIT is an international publication on contemporary photography and culture. Each issue revolves around a specific theme that brings together the photographic work of the most compelling artists of our days combined with the texts of renowned specialists in the field. The unique contemporary perspective and sophisticated design that EXIT offers has been awarded with the prestigious Kraszna Krauss Prize, in 2003 and the Lucie Award to the Best Photography Magazine of the Year, in 2015. Leer este fascículo

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